JUNE 19th, 2009
The Inn at Thorn Hill is dedicating its June Wine Dinner to an all organic wine event featuring stations of food and a variety of organic wines. The event will start at 7:oopm in our lounge, restaurant and spectaculiar deck overlooking Mount Washington. It will also be a graduation test for our interns who will be leaving in July to return to their university in the United Kingdom. Call us at 1-800-289-8990 or email us at stay@innatthornhill.com for reservations. The price is a great recession beater at $45 per person
The menu is with food and wine
Tribute to the Gruner
Piper's Pyramid with Pickled Watermelon, Lobster Ravioli, Shrimp Cigars,
Prawn and Grape Salad, Lobster Salad and Fresh Melon
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House Made Charcuterie with Grilled Breads and Mustards
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Wild Caught Bonito with Bitter Chard, Wheat Berries and Pickled Vegetables
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Marrow Braised Celeriac with Chicken and Duck Confit
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Braised Local Lamb with Mascarpone Agnolotti and Shaved Fennel
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Raw Organic Chocolates